Egoscue Inc.

Counter Stretch - Wall


How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Stand facing a wall.
  2. Place your palms about shoulder width apart on the wall, fingers pointing straight up.
  3. Keep your feet pointed straight.
  4. Walk your feet back so that your weight is in your toes.
  5. Keep the hips, knees and feet in alignment.
  6. Kick your buttocks/hips back to place an arch in your low back.
  7. Keep your elbows locked out and tighten your quads
  8. Let your upper body drop between your arms.
  9. Hold as directed on your menu.

Fun Facts

This e-cise promotes trunk extension while keeping vertical lower load joint demand.
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Egoscue Inc. 2015
All rights reserved. Use of these exercises, photos and descriptions by permission only.