Egoscue Inc.

Counter Stretch

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Stand facing a table or counter that is about waist high
    • The table/counter can be lower than your waist if you are more advanced, higher if you are just starting.
    • Keep your feet pointed straight and place your hands on the table/counter you are facing.
  2. Walk your feet back so that your weight is in your toes.
    • Keep the hips, knees and feet in alignment.
  3. Kick your buttocks/hips back to place an arch in your lower back.
    • Keep your elbows locked out and tighten your quads.
  4. Hold as directed on your menu.

Fun Facts

Most of our everyday movements, such as driving and typing, do not require us to extend our arms straight. This E-cise will keep you functional by introducing and maintaining movements that are not typical in your daily life.
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