Egoscue Inc.

Static Extension

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Kneel on a large block with your hands on the floor ahead of you.
  2. Keep your elbows locked straight and move your hips 3 inches ahead of your knees.
  3. Allow your low back to arch with the movement coming from the tilt of your pelvis.
    • Your shoulder blades should collapse together and your elbows need to remain straight.
  4. Drop your head and HOLD this position. If your low back begins to hurt, back your hips up toward your knees. This will make the exercise a bit easier.

What this E-cise™ does

This exercise promotes lumbar and thoracic extension through bilateral hip demand.
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Egoscue Inc. 2015
All rights reserved. Use of these exercises, photos and descriptions by permission only.