Egoscue Inc.

Standing Wall Clock


How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Stand facing a wall with toes pointed inward (pigeon-toed) and your forehead against the wall.
  2. Position 1: Raise your arms directly overhead.
    • Relax your stomach to allow your hips to tilt forward.
    • Make a golfer's grip with your hands (fingers curled toward the palm, thumbs out).
    • Rotate your thumbs/arms outward from the shoulder (moving the back of your hand toward the wall).
    • Hold for 1 minute (or as directed on your menu).
  3. Position 2: Move your hands down to 45 degrees.
    • Repeat the outward rotation with your arms from the shoulders.
    • Hold for 1 minute (or as directed on your menu).
  4. Position 3: Move your arms down to 90 degrees (straight out from your shoulders, parallel to floor).
    • Repeat the outward rotation with your arms from the shoulders.
    • Hold for 1 minute (or as directed on your menu).
  5. Repeat the entire sequence as directed on your menu.

Fun Facts

This exercise promotes extension throughout the body with proper alignment of the load joints.
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Egoscue Inc.
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