Egoscue Inc.

Floor Block

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Lie on your stomach with your forehead and nose flat on the floor
    • The tops of your feet should be on the floor, with your big toes touching and your heels dropped out to the sides
  2. Place your forearms on 6 inch blocks directly above your shoulders
    • If 6 inches is too high you can start with 2 inch blocks and work up to 6 inches
  3. Lock your elbows and point your thumbs to the ceiling. Curl your fingers into the golfer's grip position
    • Golfer's Grip; As seen on the model, curl your fingers to your 1st knuckle so that your entire palm is open
  4. Rotate your thumbs away from each other with the movement coming from your shoulders
  5. Hold this position as directed on your menu or until you feel your upper back relax
  6. For the second position keep your arms on the blocks and slide the blocks out to a 45 degree angle, rotate your shoulders outward and hold as directed.
  7. For the last position slide your arms and blocks out to a 90 degree angle, rotate your shoulders outward and hold as directed.

  8. Do each position once for 1 minute unless otherwise noted.

Fun Facts

This exercise repositions the shoulder blade in relationship to the pelvis and lumbar spine.
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Egoscue Inc. 2015
All rights reserved. Use of these exercises, photos and descriptions by permission only.