The Egoscue Method® E-cise™
The world leader in non-medical pain relief

Flutter Kicks

How to Perform this E-cise™:

  1. Lie on your back on the floor with both legs straight, hip width apart
  2. Place your hands under your hips (as if you were sitting on them) with your palms down
  3. Lift your upper body and elbows up off the floor about 3 inches
    • Hold this position throughout the e-cise
  4. Flex your feet, pulling your toes back so they are pointed toward the ceiling
  5. Begin lifting one foot at a time up off the floor at a pretty good rate of speed, kicking your feet up and down
  6. Repeat the kicking motion with your feet flexed as directed on your menu
  7. Now point your toes forward and continue kicking them up and down at a pretty good rate of speed
  8. Repeat the kicking motion with your feet pointed as directed on your menu
What this E-cise™ does:

This exercise encourages proper function of the hip flexor muscles while maintaining alignment of the ankle, knee, and hip.

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The Egoscue Method® 2001-03.
All rights reserved. use of these exercises, photos and descriptions by permission only.